You usually think of getting a massage when you feel tired or stressed out. When we’re having a massage, we like to drop everything we do and focus on this relaxing experience. However, multitasking is hard to resist, especially if you’re extremely busy. Sometimes, some of us can resist the temptation of eating while getting a massage, which you might already know, is discouraged by most experts.
One reason most people think of eating while getting a massage is that we often associate our most relaxed moments with food. Food is at the center of the spectacle when we’re watching a movie or hanging out with friends. When we feel tired or overwhelmed, food becomes an automatic outlet we couple with sitting down or reclining on the couch.
Why You Shouldn’t Eat on Your Massage Chair
It takes a lot of discipline to control our eating habits, especially when exposed to stressful situations. When you want a massage, condition your mind never to associate eating with this relaxation experience. Your massage could do you more harm than good when you pair food with it. Here are scientific reasons why eating and massage wouldn’t go together.
It causes indigestion and bloating
The body is designed to digest food while standing up to avoid annoying indigestion and other symptoms like acid reflux. A burning sensation in the back of the throat is the last thing you need during your massage. Additionally, the massage chair will apply pressure to your back or even your stomach, which will only make you feel more uncomfortable due to bloating.
You can get heartburn and gastric reflux
You might be at risk of heartburn and gastric reflux when you get a massage from your massage chair with a full stomach. Stomach acid rising toward the throat causes heartburn, a burning sensation in the chest. Gastroesophageal or gastric reflux disease happens when stomach acid incessantly flows back into the esophagus.
You can spill liquid onto your massage chair
Massage chairs are sensitive machines that must not be exposed to liquid and other food crumbs. Ants and other insects may infiltrate the internal components of your massage chair, which can affect, if not damage, some features. If you feel hungry, wait at least an hour and a half after your massage session before eating anything. This way, you can avoid the risk of damaging the chair and neutralizing the health benefits of your massage.
3 Massage Chairs to Improve Your Health
Eating immediately before or after getting a massage is not a good idea. You’re striving for good health, so stay disciplined to reap the benefits of your massage chair. Here are three massage chairs that’ll help you in your quest for good health and well-being.
Katana 700 Massage Chair
Original Price: $5,000
Discounted Price: $2,999
A full-featured, full-body 3D massage chair, the Katana 700 Massage Chair was thoughtfully created to relieve everyday stress from the strain and anxiety of busy days. With a daily full-body massage from Katana, you’ll rediscover comfort, promote good health, and bring happiness. This chair is ready to use in three or four minutes since you’ll only have to attach the footrest and remote control before plugging in the power chord.
The Katana 700 Massage Chair has an auto shoulder detection function that adjusts to your shoulder’s size and location while customizing the massage to fit your back. This massage chair also mobilizes your soles and provides reflexology for fantastic relief. Soothing back heat enhances the benefits of Katana's massage by relaxing the muscles and promoting blood flow to the lumbar regions.
Your fingers, hands, forearms, shoulders, calves, and feet receive a gentle squeeze and release massage from 34 air cells. Shiatsu massage is delivered with gentle motions in the shoulders, neck, glutes, low back, and hamstrings. Unlike the bulky products from other brands, the Katana 700's sleek, compact design fits easily into any room size.
Synca HISHO SL-Track Massage Chair (MR3000)
Original Price: $3,999
Discounted Price: $3,499
The SL Track technology in this reasonably priced massage chair optimizes massage quality by conforming to your back's and hips' natural curves. This Hisho achieves this by extending the frame beneath the seat to reach the glutes and gently protruding the frame near the neck and lumbar regions. To help you find your inner Zen whenever you need a break or to unwind and recharge, the Hisho creates a cozy relaxation and recovery zone in your home.
The Synca HISHO SL-Track Massage Chair (MR3000)'s zero-gravity position supports the spine and cradles the body, relieving pressure on the back's disks and allowing them to relax and exchange fluid. Along with a full-body air compression therapy massage, this chair can also wrap and massage your arms, shoulders, calves, feet, and calves. By measuring the length and curvature of a user's spine, Synca's advanced body scan technology adjusts the massage to the individual sitting in the chair.
The Hisho’s full foot and calf massage extends from your knees to your toes and helps loosen tight muscles, stimulate blood flow, and lessen pain and swelling. The adjustable footrest is suitable for users up to about 6'3" and can be extended to a maximum of 4.75." Around the waist, the integrated carbon fiber lumbar heaters deliver soothing heat therapy that helps to improve blood flow and loosen up tight muscles.
Infinity IT-8500 PLUS Massage Chair with Inversion Therapy
Original Price: $6,999
Discounted Price: $5,999
One of the Infinite Therapeutics' most popular massage chairs for inversion therapy is the Infinity IT-8500 PLUS Massage Chair with Inversion Therapy. This massage chair was built with several high-end features, making it competitive, with massage chairs costing twice as much or more. The Infinity IT-8500 Plus provides a quality massage experience using high-end technology, stimulating relaxation in parts that the back massage roller cannot reach.
The Infinity IT-8500 PLUS Massage Chair with Inversion Therapy lengthens your spine by using gravity to your advantage, allowing the spine to decompress and feel less pressure. Its S-track design mimics your spine's natural curve to target your tension points and correctly realign your entire body.
The IT-8500 Plus foot rollers focus on key pressure points on the feet connected to other body areas by mimicking thumb and finger reflexology techniques.
In Summary
Take care of your massage chair and yourself by avoiding poor massage habits like eating and drinking in the chair. No great thing comes easy, including relief and relaxation, which require discipline and responsibility. To help you achieve a healthy lifestyle, visit Massage Chair Heaven and bring home your dream massage chair.
To place your order, visit Massage Chair Heaven or contact us at 1-833-627-7245 or via live chat.