One of the best advantages of getting a massage is that you don't have to do anything but relax. In preparation for your zen-like pleasure, you should avoid a few things to receive the full benefits of massage therapy. These big no-nos include smoking because of obvious reasons. You'll neutralize the health benefits of massage with these bad practices; plus, smoking could cause some damage to your chair.
If you long for a massage, there are over 80 massage therapy styles to select from, each with a unique set of movements, pressures, and techniques. All these entail using hands and fingers to press, rub, or manipulate muscles and other soft tissues. To optimize the magic of massage, avoid smoking and don't even think of doing it while sitting on your massage chair because you feel so comfy sitting in it.
Smoking is one of the leading causes of death and illness worldwide. Smoking increases your chances of getting more than 50 significant health problems, most of which are fatal. You can become ill if you smoke or if those around you smoke. Smoking and massage don't work together, so if you want to change your life, give up smoking if you think of bringing home a massage chair.
What Smoking Does to You
Tobacco smoke includes over 5,000 compounds, including nicotine, which is highly addicting when smoked. Individuals who smoke are hooked on nicotine, but the tar and other substances in tobacco have adverse effects on their bodies. The harmful substances found in cigars allow smoking to impact every area of the body, from your skin to your brain.
The tobacco industry made cigarettes as addictive as possible and targeted marketing to young people to increase their revenue. Most smokers wish to quit because they are aware of the dangers to their health. However, many continue to smoke because they have become addicted to nicotine at an early age.
Smoking damages your lungs
Tobacco smoking is a significant cause of several lung diseases, including obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and lung cancer. Smokers are more likely to get respiratory infections such as the flu, pneumonia, and COVID-19. In addition, they're also more prone to an increased likelihood of experiencing more severe symptoms from viral illnesses if they become infected.
If you have asthma, tobacco smoke can cause an attack or aggravate an existing one. Furthermore, your lungs contain approximately 500 million microscopic air sacs called alveoli, which pull oxygen and expel carbon dioxide when you exhale. If you're smoking, you're destroying these air sacs by disrupting the work of the cells that align.
Smoking shortens your life
Smoking reduces your life expectancy by 10 to 15 years, but if you quit before 30, you can recover virtually all of them. A year after giving up smoking, your chance of having a heart attack is cut in half, and after four years, your risk is equal to that of a nonsmoker. Five years after stopping, your chance of acquiring cancer from smoking drops by half, and after 15 years, it is the same as if you had never smoked.
Smoking affects other people
Second-hand smoke exposes people to the same ailments as smokers do. Babies and children are more sensitive to second-hand smoke since their lungs are still developing and more susceptible to breathing in hazardous pollutants. If you decide to quit smoking, your family and friends will become healthier, too.
3 Best Massage Chairs for a Healthy Living

Inada ROBO Massage Chair with Facial Recognition
Original Price: $12,999
Discounted Price: $11,999
If you want a massage chair that has a futuristic design but doesn't sacrifice efficiency, the Inada ROBO Massage Chair with Facial Recognition is perfect for you. With its unmatched zero-gravity technology, this massage chair will make you look like you're in outer space and floating in the air. The hybrid artificial intelligence mechanism of this chair makes the chair feel like a live human being giving you professional massage therapy.
The Inada ROBO Massage Chair with Facial Recognition will help you achieve your health objectives as you try to eliminate unhealthy habits from your systems, like smoking and drinking. Massage will relax you from stress instead of letting out your anxiety on cigarettes and alcohol. Do yourself and your family a favor by bringing this massage chair home and see your life change with the help of regular massage.
Osaki OS-PRO Maestro LE Massage Chair
Original Price: $11,999
Discounted Price: $9,999
The Osaki OS-PRO Maestro LE Massage Chair comes with a 4D massage mechanism and a heated back roller, perfect for people looking for pain and stress relief. This chair is also designed with an SL-track roller to match your body's contour while addressing all your back pain issues. Other brilliant features of the Osaki OS-Pro include the foot and calf kneading massage, infrared heat roller, and backrest scanning.
Most massage chairs today come with a zero-gravity mechanism, and the Osaki OS-PRO Maestro LE Massage Chair has one of the best in the market. In addition, this chair has eight automatic programs and six massage styles that'll capture the needs of every user inside your home. Start your journey to a healthier and better life with this high-tech chair, and never look back.
Titan Pro Vigor 4D Massage Chair
Price: $9,999
Discounted Price: $5,999
The Titan Pro Vigor 4D Massage Chair is the latest offering from Titan, one of the leading massage chair manufacturers in the world. This chair's luxurious design integrates world-class massage technology to help users be free from everyday pains and stress. The Pro Vigor's four-dimensional massage rollers work with precision and determination on every inch of your back, shoulders, neck, and glutes.
In Summary
Bad habits like smoking and drinking alcohol are problems that show their effects gradually. Gradually quitting these activities will help you enjoy your life better and spend more time with family and friends. A massage chair is an excellent tool to eliminate the stress that makes you smoke and drink.
To place your order, visit Massage Chair Heaven or contact us at 1-833-627-7245 or via live chat.