Getting a regular massage is an excellent way of treating yourself after a long day or week of working hard to earn a living. If you’re also hard at the gym exercising to get your fitness goals, regular massage sessions can help you quickly recover. Most people understand the essence of massage, but the issue is constantly squeezing the therapy into their busy lives. The solution most people look for is massage chairs, which are machines that can provide larger-than-life relaxation experiences.
With massage chairs, you can sit whenever you want while working on other things, although focusing on your massage is encouraged. One good thing about massage is that there’s no limit on how many you should get since no scientific evidence points to over-massaging. However, thirty minutes to an hour of massage therapy would suffice to keep massage sessions interesting.
The Wonders of Daiwa Majesty 2D Massage Chair
There are hundreds of massage chair brands and models online, which can be tricky if you’re trying to buy one. To help you decide, you can look at the impressive lineup of Daiwa, one of the world's most popular and tried-and-tested massage chair brands. If you want a chair that wouldn’t hurt your budget without compromising quality and style, the Daiwa Majesty 2D Massage Chair would be a fantastic choice.
With the Daiwa Majesty 2D Massage Chair, you will be in for a royal treatment. Your health will improve significantly in some time, and your body will feel rested as you’ve never felt before. Advanced engineering made the Daiwa Majesty 2D capable of delivering healing features through full-body massage, heat, and zero-gravity therapies.
L-Shaped Massage Track
A long L-shaped massage track that extends from the top of the shoulders to the bottom of the hamstrings is a highlight of the Daiwa Majesty 2D Massage Chair. This chair gives a superior full-body massage experience, in contrast to most other luxury massage chairs, whose shorter massage track is restricted to the bottom of the backrest. In addition, the Majesty's footrest moves in and out up to 5.5 inches, offering a pleasant experience for users of any height.
Full-Body Airbag Massage
The Majesty offers unparalleled full-body massage therapy and spacious space to accommodate various body types using cutting-edge technology and therapeutic features. A comprehensive set of 42 airbags that rhythmically inflate and deflate during your massage are built into the chair. These airbags gently stretch muscles to release tension, boost blood flow, and lessen physical exhaustion.
Zero Gravity
The Zero Gravity mechanism helps distribute body weight evenly and relieve pressure on the joints and organs by changing the recline angle. In two different positions, you'll feel like you're floating, eventually lessening chronic pain. Position 1 relieves all muscular tension to create a weightless environment, while Position 2 raises the legs even higher than the heart level.
Chair, Foot, and Shoulder Pads

You can use the chair as a recliner without receiving any massage therapy thanks to the comfortable, 3/4-inch-thick chair pad. The massaging shoulder pads can be adjusted to fit larger arms and shoulders for optimal efficacy. These pads exert intense pressure on either side of the shoulder when expanded. This adjustability, which revolves around the pad to target the powerful muscles, is the first of its kind.
User-Friendly Auto Programs
The Daiwa Majesty 2D Massage Chair has a feature that seamlessly transitions between massage programs. This functionality cancels interruptions while navigating the program options and keeps off short-circuit or overheating damage. You can choose from six auto programs: Relax, Lower Body, Recovery, Upper Body, Extend, and Refresh.
The Relax program provides a gentle, calming holistic massage using different techniques and encourages relaxation as you prepare to sleep. The Lower Body program combines therapeutic deep tissue massage techniques and focuses on spinal muscles, the upper and lower back, and the lumbar region. The Recovery program is a stimulating massage that utilizes various techniques which energize and improve mood.
The Upper Body program combines therapeutic deep tissue massage techniques and concentrates on the neck, shoulders, and upper back muscles. The Extend is a soothing massage program that employs different methods to remove tension and refresh the body. The Refresh program combines therapeutic deep-tissue massage techniques that focus on the lumbar muscles, waist, thighs, and hip joints.
Why Use the Daiwa Majesty 2D Massage Chair
You just learned about the whopping features of the Daiwa Majesty 2D Massage Chair, but why should you use it? The short answer is to improve your health and well-being, but you might wonder what sets it apart from the rest of the pack. Here are some reasons you should choose the Daiwa Majesty 2D Massage Chair.
It doesn’t use too much space
Getting a massage chair can be challenging if you have a relatively small space. However, space is not an issue with the Daiwa Majesty 2D Massage Chair, as this fantastic piece of equipment comes with a wall-hugger design. This means you won’t have to find an isolated area for the chair because its gliding mechanism shifts its seat forward. You’ll only need a three-inch space from the wall to set this chair up so you can start enjoying the comfort it provides.
It has a body-scanning system
If you’re an avid massage person, you often stick to a single therapist because you have confidence in that person to know what your body needs. The same philosophy applies to the Daiwa Majesty 2D Massage Chair, and this feature is made possible by its body-scanning system. You can personalize each session and never worry about others using the chair because its system profiles every user’s unique characteristics and needs.
It has multimedia features
Many people think getting a massage is boring because you can doze off in the middle of every session. With the Daiwa Majesty 2D Massage Chair, each time you sit on the chair is an exciting moment because you can connect your audio device to the chair’s Bluetooth surround sound speaker. In addition, it has a USB charging port so you can keep using your phone while enjoying your massage.
In Summary
Every massage chair has something unique and interesting to offer. The Daiwa Majesty 2D Massage Chair gives you all the amazing and fabulous features you can find in a chair twice or thrice its price. Order this massage lounger by going to Massage Chair Heaven.
To place your order, visit Massage Chair Heaven or contact us at 1-833-627-7245 or via live chat.