Massage Chair Heaven
Why You Shouldn’t Use Your Massage Chair After a Heavy Meal ?

Why You Shouldn’t Use Your Massage Chair After a Heavy Meal ?

While using a massage chair is generally safe, there are still dos and don’ts before, during, and after sessions. Doing what must be done and avoiding what mustn’t ensure a better experience and even reduced health risks. One standard safety measure is to not eat heavy meals before using your massage chair. While it’s not necessarily dangerous, it’s better to wait for a while before getting the treatment.


The recommended time gap would be one hour before using your massage chair. 

However, you may have to wait shorter or longer, depending on how much you ate and what you felt. The rule of the thumb is to wait until you’re no longer full. You don’t need to be starving but feel just enough to feel comfortable during the session.

Effects of Using Your Massage Chair When You’re Full

Unlike spa appointments where there’s a set time for when the treatment will start, there’s no rush with massage chairs. After all, you can use it at home whenever you’re free. However, why exactly are you not recommended to use your massage chair after a heavy meal?

You’ll feel bloated and uncomfortable

Bloating is one of the expected effects of getting a massage after eating a heavy meal. It’s nothing dangerous, but it would surely be uncomfortable, interfering with your relaxation during the treatment. Besides, you should know that pressing your stomach while you’re full doesn’t feel pleasing. 

More specifically, avoid eating gas-inducing food, such as whole grains, fiber-rich meals, and anything high in lactose.

It can cause indigestion, nausea, and acid reflux

Before using your massage chair, wait for your body to digest what you just ate fully. The treatment will be uncomfortable if your stomach or abdomen hurts because of indigestion. Other symptoms, such as acid reflux and nausea, may also affect your throat. 

Again, it will only cause discomfort and won’t lead to anything serious, but it can affect your overall experience.

You may end up needing a bathroom break

In order to maximize your relaxation and the benefits of the massage, the session needs to be continuous. However, it’s easy enough to understand that when you’re full, you may feel the need to use the lavatory. Therefore, in the middle of the treatment, you may have to pause it immediately to take the break you need. Meanwhile, holding it out until the end just to avoid interfering with the treatment will also be uncomfortable.

3 Massage Chairs for Those Who Like to Eat

Using a massage chair while starving isn’t recommended either. A snack or light meal wouldn’t be too bad if you really need to eat. That much won’t put you at risk of getting indigestion or feeling bloated. 

Still, eating a few minutes after you’re done with the treatment would be most ideal. If you insist on eating something before or during the session, here are some massage chairs you can use.

Limitless Slender HM-5000 Kahuna Massage Chair (SL-Track)

Original Price: $2,499.99

Discounted Price: $1,999.99

If you like to multitask during massage chair sessions, the Limitless Slender HM-5000 Kahuna Massage Chair (SL-Track) is what you need. It’s designed to perform the treatment, even while the user is doing something like reading books or having a facial treatment. Of course, you can also use it while eating a snack. This is because it has no armrests holding your hands down during the sessions, allowing you to move freely.

Other than the lack of armrests, the Limitless Slender HM-5000 Kahuna Massage Chair (SL-Track) can perform massage to the rest of your body. That includes your neck, back, hips, glutes, calves, and feet. You can also adjust the massage settings to match the treatment to your preferences. That goes for the airbags’ strength and speed and the rollers’ intensity and width. You can recline it into the zero gravity position, but it’s not recommended while eating.

Luraco iRobotics Sofy Full Body Massage Chair

Original Price: $4,490

Discounted Price: $3,490

The problem with the previous massage chair is that although eating while using it may be possible, it comes with risks. That refers to spilling the snack and drinks you have with you. If it’s anything solid, you can easily pick it up to avoid dirtying the massage chair. However, if it’s liquid, it can stain the fabric cover or even get to the internal electrical components and cause damage.

With the Luraco iRobotics Sofy Full Body Massage Chair, you won’t have to worry about spilling your drink during the session. This is thanks to its built-in cupholder and hard-to-stain but easy-to-clean commercial-grade leather upholstery. 

Furthermore, it can recline into a position that can safely and comfortably support you while eating. It can also massage your back and calves and has adjustable settings.

Titan 4D Fleetwood LE Massage Chair

Original Price: $11,999

Discounted Price: $9,999

You’re not recommended to use the Titan 4D Fleetwood LE Massage Chair while eating because it has armrests. However, if you have indigestion problems, this model can provide you with a solution.

Still, you shouldn’t use it after eating, expecting that it cancels out the effect of getting the treatment while full. If you find it hard to relax or sleep because of your abdomen, that’s when you use it.

The Titan 4D Fleetwood LE Massage Chair has 12 automatic programs, and one is particularly effective for indigestion.

That would be the Refreshing Nap course, which comprises soothing massage techniques performed across your whole body. Not only can this improve digestion, but it can even relieve muscular tension and refresh your body and mind. Besides this are more massage programs for your other health issues and needs.

In Summary

Using your massage chair after eating something heavy can make you uncomfortable during the session. That would usually be because of gas, indigestion, or an abrupt bathroom need. Besides, simply applying pressure to your stomach while you’re full doesn’t feel good in the first place. 

To place your order, visit Massage Chair Heaven or contact us at 1-833-627-7245 or via live chat.

While using a massage chair is generally safe, there are still dos and don’ts before, during, and after sessions. Doing what must be done and avoiding what mustn’t ensure a better experience and even reduced health risks. One standard safety measure is to not eat heavy meals before using your massage chair. While it’s not necessarily dangerous, it’s better to wait for a while before getting the treatment.


The recommended time gap would be one hour before using your massage chair. 

However, you may have to wait shorter or longer, depending on how much you ate and what you felt. The rule of the thumb is to wait until you’re no longer full. You don’t need to be starving but feel just enough to feel comfortable during the session.

Effects of Using Your Massage Chair When You’re Full

Unlike spa appointments where there’s a set time for when the treatment will start, there’s no rush with massage chairs. After all, you can use it at home whenever you’re free. However, why exactly are you not recommended to use your massage chair after a heavy meal?

You’ll feel bloated and uncomfortable

Bloating is one of the expected effects of getting a massage after eating a heavy meal. It’s nothing dangerous, but it would surely be uncomfortable, interfering with your relaxation during the treatment. Besides, you should know that pressing your stomach while you’re full doesn’t feel pleasing. 

More specifically, avoid eating gas-inducing food, such as whole grains, fiber-rich meals, and anything high in lactose.

It can cause indigestion, nausea, and acid reflux

Before using your massage chair, wait for your body to digest what you just ate fully. The treatment will be uncomfortable if your stomach or abdomen hurts because of indigestion. Other symptoms, such as acid reflux and nausea, may also affect your throat. 

Again, it will only cause discomfort and won’t lead to anything serious, but it can affect your overall experience.

You may end up needing a bathroom break

In order to maximize your relaxation and the benefits of the massage, the session needs to be continuous. However, it’s easy enough to understand that when you’re full, you may feel the need to use the lavatory. Therefore, in the middle of the treatment, you may have to pause it immediately to take the break you need. Meanwhile, holding it out until the end just to avoid interfering with the treatment will also be uncomfortable.

3 Massage Chairs for Those Who Like to Eat

Using a massage chair while starving isn’t recommended either. A snack or light meal wouldn’t be too bad if you really need to eat. That much won’t put you at risk of getting indigestion or feeling bloated. 

Still, eating a few minutes after you’re done with the treatment would be most ideal. If you insist on eating something before or during the session, here are some massage chairs you can use.

Limitless Slender HM-5000 Kahuna Massage Chair (SL-Track)

Original Price: $2,499.99

Discounted Price: $1,999.99

If you like to multitask during massage chair sessions, the Limitless Slender HM-5000 Kahuna Massage Chair (SL-Track) is what you need. It’s designed to perform the treatment, even while the user is doing something like reading books or having a facial treatment. Of course, you can also use it while eating a snack. This is because it has no armrests holding your hands down during the sessions, allowing you to move freely.

Other than the lack of armrests, the Limitless Slender HM-5000 Kahuna Massage Chair (SL-Track) can perform massage to the rest of your body. That includes your neck, back, hips, glutes, calves, and feet. You can also adjust the massage settings to match the treatment to your preferences. That goes for the airbags’ strength and speed and the rollers’ intensity and width. You can recline it into the zero gravity position, but it’s not recommended while eating.

Luraco iRobotics Sofy Full Body Massage Chair

Original Price: $4,490

Discounted Price: $3,490

The problem with the previous massage chair is that although eating while using it may be possible, it comes with risks. That refers to spilling the snack and drinks you have with you. If it’s anything solid, you can easily pick it up to avoid dirtying the massage chair. However, if it’s liquid, it can stain the fabric cover or even get to the internal electrical components and cause damage.

With the Luraco iRobotics Sofy Full Body Massage Chair, you won’t have to worry about spilling your drink during the session. This is thanks to its built-in cupholder and hard-to-stain but easy-to-clean commercial-grade leather upholstery. 

Furthermore, it can recline into a position that can safely and comfortably support you while eating. It can also massage your back and calves and has adjustable settings.

Titan 4D Fleetwood LE Massage Chair

Original Price: $11,999

Discounted Price: $9,999

You’re not recommended to use the Titan 4D Fleetwood LE Massage Chair while eating because it has armrests. However, if you have indigestion problems, this model can provide you with a solution.

Still, you shouldn’t use it after eating, expecting that it cancels out the effect of getting the treatment while full. If you find it hard to relax or sleep because of your abdomen, that’s when you use it.

The Titan 4D Fleetwood LE Massage Chair has 12 automatic programs, and one is particularly effective for indigestion.

That would be the Refreshing Nap course, which comprises soothing massage techniques performed across your whole body. Not only can this improve digestion, but it can even relieve muscular tension and refresh your body and mind. Besides this are more massage programs for your other health issues and needs.

In Summary

Using your massage chair after eating something heavy can make you uncomfortable during the session. That would usually be because of gas, indigestion, or an abrupt bathroom need. Besides, simply applying pressure to your stomach while you’re full doesn’t feel good in the first place. 

To place your order, visit Massage Chair Heaven or contact us at 1-833-627-7245 or via live chat.

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