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What Are The Most Common Causes of Back Pain and How Can A Massage Chair Help?

What Are The Most Common Causes of Back Pain and How Can A Massage Chair Help?

Did you know that more than 31 million US citizens suffer from lower back pain at any given time? Back pains are one of the leading causes of disabilities across the world.


Many things can be the cause of back pain. In this article, we'll discuss some of the most common causes of back pains. We'll also discuss the role of massage chairs in healing back pains. 


What Are The Most Common Causes of Back Pain?

Some of the most common things that can cause you back pain are:

Muscle or ligament strain: Your back muscles and spinal ligament can get strained due to heavy liftings or sudden movements. Your poor physical condition and fitness issue can also be the cause of back pain. If you do not work out at all and start heavy exercises suddenly, it can cause a strain in your back muscles.

Ruptured or bulging disks: The function of disks is to provide cushioning between the vertebrae in your spine. If the disks start bulging or get ruptured, the bones will press against each other and cause back pain. 

Arthritis: Arthritis can be a significant reason if you are experiencing back pains. Spinal stenosis can also be a reason for your spinal pains.

Poor posture: If your body's posture is lacking, the back muscles can become strained over a period of time. 

Osteoporosis: Painful fractures can be formed in your spinal bones if they become fragile or feeble.


What Are The Most Common Types of Back Pain?

There are three most common types of back pain that most people experience:


1. Axial Back Pain

Axial back pain is also known as mechanical back pain. This pain usually restricts itself to one region. Muscle strain is one of the major causes of this pain. Axial pain can be a long term or short term pain, depending on the strain's intensity. 

2. Referred Back Pain

Unlike axial pain, referred back pain doesn't restrict itself to one area. It varies in its intensity. It can be caused in the lower back region because of ruptured disks. 

3. Radicular Back Pain

It is an electric-shock like pain that comes for a brief moment and disappears. It happens on a regular basis. The pain follows the spinal nerve and spreads the momentary pain shocks to the entire back region.


What Are The Risk Factors of Back Pain?

Back pain knows no boundaries. It can happen to anyone at any point in time. However, based on the medical statistics, some of the significant risk factors that occur because of back pain are:


1. Age: Though back pain can occur at any age, the majority of complaints come after the age of 30-35.

2. No exercise: Lack of exercise can result in weak muscles. Because of weak back muscles, back pain can occur.

3. Weight: If your body weight is above average, the access body weight can cause back pain because of the stress.

4. Different diseases: Certain bone diseases like arthritis can cause back pain.

5. Heavy lifting: If your job involves heavy lifting, your back muscles can get strained over a period of time.

6. Smoking: People who smoke excessively have reported back pain because of low blood flow in the spine.


How Can A Massage Chair Help in Healing Back Pain?

OsakiMassage ChairOsaki Platinum Solis 4D Massage ChairTaupeMassage Chair Heaven

A massage chair is one of the best investments to make if you are dealing with back pains. After consulting with your doctor, you can get a massage chair for yourself to fight your long-term back pain. 

If you want to keep your distance from medication, a massage chair can help you in a big way. You will experience a decrement in your back pain intensity after a few days of massage sessions. Let's see how a massage chair can help you fight your back pain:

Good Blood Circulation

A massage chair helps in an excellent lymphatic flow by pressing the neck, shoulders, and back muscles. It results in increased blood circulation throughout the body. It also helps in detoxifying your body and making your prime organs fresh.  

Relaxed Muscles

One of the main reasons a massage chair helps fight back pain is it relaxes the back muscles. A deep-tissue session in the massage chair is purely therapeutic in nature and results in fantastic well-being. With the kneading massage, your back muscles can become more flexible and safer from further strains. 

Improved Posture

If you undergo a massage session regularly on a massage chair, it can improve your body posture. A massage chair has many functions like zero-gravity recline, full-body stretching, leg expansion, 4D rollers, etc. If used regularly, these functions will surely improve the overall body posture and help fight back pain.

Enhanced Mood

An amazing hour-long massage session can enhance the mood for an entire day. It also results in speedy muscle recovery and reduced back pain. Sore muscles and strained tissues can get the proper treatment with the help of a massage chair. 

Less stress

Overworking your body can result in muscle stress, and it further results in back pain. Regular massage sessions result in a drop in stress levels. It relaxes the body and releases endorphin. Increased endorphin levels decrease anxiety and improve the sleep cycle.  



Back pain is something that you will face at least once in your lifetime. You can either prepare yourself for it or buy a massage chair. The best thing to do is to keep yourself fit and healthy. However, even being healthy and fit doesn't guarantee that you won't face back issues. 

A high-quality massage chair that offers zero-gravity reclining, heating pads, SL-Track rollers, and 3D or 4D technologies is the best kind of massage chair you can go for.

There are a lot of massage chairs to choose from. If you allow us, we'd be more than happy to guide you to the best massage chair!


We hope that you are satisfied with our review. If you wish to buy this or any other massaging chairs, please feel free to contact us through our live chat or give us a call at (833) 627-7245 

Did you know that more than 31 million US citizens suffer from lower back pain at any given time? Back pains are one of the leading causes of disabilities across the world.


Many things can be the cause of back pain. In this article, we'll discuss some of the most common causes of back pains. We'll also discuss the role of massage chairs in healing back pains. 


What Are The Most Common Causes of Back Pain?

Some of the most common things that can cause you back pain are:

Muscle or ligament strain: Your back muscles and spinal ligament can get strained due to heavy liftings or sudden movements. Your poor physical condition and fitness issue can also be the cause of back pain. If you do not work out at all and start heavy exercises suddenly, it can cause a strain in your back muscles.

Ruptured or bulging disks: The function of disks is to provide cushioning between the vertebrae in your spine. If the disks start bulging or get ruptured, the bones will press against each other and cause back pain. 

Arthritis: Arthritis can be a significant reason if you are experiencing back pains. Spinal stenosis can also be a reason for your spinal pains.

Poor posture: If your body's posture is lacking, the back muscles can become strained over a period of time. 

Osteoporosis: Painful fractures can be formed in your spinal bones if they become fragile or feeble.


What Are The Most Common Types of Back Pain?

There are three most common types of back pain that most people experience:


1. Axial Back Pain

Axial back pain is also known as mechanical back pain. This pain usually restricts itself to one region. Muscle strain is one of the major causes of this pain. Axial pain can be a long term or short term pain, depending on the strain's intensity. 

2. Referred Back Pain

Unlike axial pain, referred back pain doesn't restrict itself to one area. It varies in its intensity. It can be caused in the lower back region because of ruptured disks. 

3. Radicular Back Pain

It is an electric-shock like pain that comes for a brief moment and disappears. It happens on a regular basis. The pain follows the spinal nerve and spreads the momentary pain shocks to the entire back region.


What Are The Risk Factors of Back Pain?

Back pain knows no boundaries. It can happen to anyone at any point in time. However, based on the medical statistics, some of the significant risk factors that occur because of back pain are:


1. Age: Though back pain can occur at any age, the majority of complaints come after the age of 30-35.

2. No exercise: Lack of exercise can result in weak muscles. Because of weak back muscles, back pain can occur.

3. Weight: If your body weight is above average, the access body weight can cause back pain because of the stress.

4. Different diseases: Certain bone diseases like arthritis can cause back pain.

5. Heavy lifting: If your job involves heavy lifting, your back muscles can get strained over a period of time.

6. Smoking: People who smoke excessively have reported back pain because of low blood flow in the spine.


How Can A Massage Chair Help in Healing Back Pain?

OsakiMassage ChairOsaki Platinum Solis 4D Massage ChairTaupeMassage Chair Heaven

A massage chair is one of the best investments to make if you are dealing with back pains. After consulting with your doctor, you can get a massage chair for yourself to fight your long-term back pain. 

If you want to keep your distance from medication, a massage chair can help you in a big way. You will experience a decrement in your back pain intensity after a few days of massage sessions. Let's see how a massage chair can help you fight your back pain:

Good Blood Circulation

A massage chair helps in an excellent lymphatic flow by pressing the neck, shoulders, and back muscles. It results in increased blood circulation throughout the body. It also helps in detoxifying your body and making your prime organs fresh.  

Relaxed Muscles

One of the main reasons a massage chair helps fight back pain is it relaxes the back muscles. A deep-tissue session in the massage chair is purely therapeutic in nature and results in fantastic well-being. With the kneading massage, your back muscles can become more flexible and safer from further strains. 

Improved Posture

If you undergo a massage session regularly on a massage chair, it can improve your body posture. A massage chair has many functions like zero-gravity recline, full-body stretching, leg expansion, 4D rollers, etc. If used regularly, these functions will surely improve the overall body posture and help fight back pain.

Enhanced Mood

An amazing hour-long massage session can enhance the mood for an entire day. It also results in speedy muscle recovery and reduced back pain. Sore muscles and strained tissues can get the proper treatment with the help of a massage chair. 

Less stress

Overworking your body can result in muscle stress, and it further results in back pain. Regular massage sessions result in a drop in stress levels. It relaxes the body and releases endorphin. Increased endorphin levels decrease anxiety and improve the sleep cycle.  



Back pain is something that you will face at least once in your lifetime. You can either prepare yourself for it or buy a massage chair. The best thing to do is to keep yourself fit and healthy. However, even being healthy and fit doesn't guarantee that you won't face back issues. 

A high-quality massage chair that offers zero-gravity reclining, heating pads, SL-Track rollers, and 3D or 4D technologies is the best kind of massage chair you can go for.

There are a lot of massage chairs to choose from. If you allow us, we'd be more than happy to guide you to the best massage chair!


We hope that you are satisfied with our review. If you wish to buy this or any other massaging chairs, please feel free to contact us through our live chat or give us a call at (833) 627-7245 

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