Massage Chair Heaven
Should The Lights Be Off While Using Your Massage Chair

Should The Lights Be Off While Using Your Massage Chair

Most advantages of using a massage chair depend on how at ease you are during the treatment. You cannot de-stress, ease your tension, or lessen your weariness if you are uncomfortable. On the other hand, you can benefit from a therapeutic experience if you are completely at ease during the procedure. For this reason, establishing a tranquil atmosphere is a crucial element to consider.



If the environment calms your senses, you may claim that it's ideal for a massage. This could be maintaining the ideal temperature, turning down the noise, or turning on some calming music. Another option is to use essential oils with calming fragrances for aromatherapy. The room's lighting should also be taken into consideration. Now, how precisely does light impact your ability to unwind?

How Lights Impact Your Massage Chair Sessions


Take a cue from licensed therapists to maximize your relaxation every time you use your massage chair. For example, during a real spa treatment with a therapist, the illumination in the room counts. Normally, it would be dark, and there are a few reasons why. Consequently, even when it's not required, turning out the lights should give you the impression that you're unwinding in a massage parlor.

Less light means more relaxation

To reduce distractions, massage spas regulate the lighting, temperature, noise level, and smell. You cannot relax your body and mind in an environment that is excessively hot, chilly, noisy, or bright. In the same manner, you should take care not to get sidetracked during a massage chair session at home. You can focus on unwinding when the lights are out because your attention won't stray to what's around you.

Darker rooms invite tranquility

Most people find that if they don't turn off the lights, they can't sleep soundly. This is because darkness is seen by their brain as a cue to slumber. For the same reason, when you're in a dark massage chair, your body is more likely to unwind. But not everyone experiences this in the same way since darkness has a psychologically calming impact. To be honest, some people find darkness to be unsettling, so ultimately it comes down to personal preference.

Diverse lighting can be distracting

The technique of employing various light colors to influence a person's brain is known as chromotherapy. It can boost energy, facilitate healing, and improve relaxation. Blue light has calming effects on the psyche and can even aid sleep. Yellow, meanwhile, elevates mood and gives you more vitality. There are many impacts associated with other hues. But just like with darkness, everyone is affected by light differently. 

The idea is that, in addition to making the space darker, you can enhance your experience by altering the hue of the light. You can use a bulb that emits various hues of light for that. On the other hand, you can use the chromotherapy option if your massage chair has one to create the mood. While some versions with this feature can only produce blue light, others have more color possibilities.

2 Massage Chairs with Chromotherapy


Chromotherapy is becoming a popular feature in massage chairs because of the influence of Eastern culture on the industry. This inclusion adds variety to your relaxation experience while giving your space a futuristic vibe. With proper lighting, the benefits of chromotherapy are magnified with each massage chair session. Here are two remarkable massage chairs with chromotherapy that’ll paint your room with colors of healing and relaxation.

Ogawa Master Drive AI 2.0 Massage Chair

Original Price: $12,999.99

Discounted Price: $8,999.99


Using premium materials and exquisite design, Ogawa's design team was proud to produce the Ogawa Master Drive AI 2.0 Massage Chair. With the help of calming music and chromotherapy, this chair's calming LED mood-enhancing lights can help you unwind and reenergize your body and mind. The lower back and all surrounding muscles and joints are relaxed by the lumbar heat therapy feature of the Ogawa Master Drive AI 2.0.

The Ogawa Master Drive AI 2.0 Massage Chair's intelligent Vario Motion 4D Massage Rollers can vary and modify massage movements, pressure, and speed to mimic the sensation of actual human hands. Its "L" shaped track mimics the natural curve of the spine while targeting key muscle groups. Innovative M.6 Gen Microprocessors are used in the Ogawa Master Drive AI 2.0 Massage Chair to provide faster speed, higher accuracy, and a more complete experience. 

Infinity Dynasty 4D Massage Chair

Original Price: $10,999.99

Discounted Price: $9,499.99


The Infinity Dynasty 4D Massage Chair has a pleasing look that fits the pleasant feeling you can get from using it. You can personalize your sessions using this chair's user-friendly remote and excellent build quality. The Dynasty is ideal for winding down after a long day at work or school, treating chronic pain, preparing for a strenuous workout, and recovering from an injury.

The Infinity Dynasty 4D Massage Chair, one of the most well-liked 4D massage chairs on the market, has never let users down with its abundance of functions. One of these features is the cutting-edge 4D back massage mechanism technology, which can compete well with goods costing twice as much as their price. The result is a deep-tissue massage that is as smooth as butter and painless in 4D, like a human hand.

Each side of the Infinity Dynasty 4D Massage Chair has chromotherapy lights. The color spectrum is used in chromotherapy to assist in balancing an individual's mental, spiritual, emotional, and physical energies. The back of the Infinity Dynasty 4D chair has heating modules that provide soothing, muscle-loosening warmth. It also features lumbar heat and an air ionizer. Breathing more deeply is another benefit of the air ionizer feature that will help you unwind and revitalize your body, mind, and soul.

In Summary


Although chromotherapy has been used for millennia, few people are aware of its potential benefits for our health and well-being. This function will improve both your general experience and your taste for lighting. Get a massager from Massage Chair Heaven to experience this wonderful function yourself.

To place your order, visit Massage Chair Heaven or contact us at 1-833-627-7245 or via live chat.

Most advantages of using a massage chair depend on how at ease you are during the treatment. You cannot de-stress, ease your tension, or lessen your weariness if you are uncomfortable. On the other hand, you can benefit from a therapeutic experience if you are completely at ease during the procedure. For this reason, establishing a tranquil atmosphere is a crucial element to consider.



If the environment calms your senses, you may claim that it's ideal for a massage. This could be maintaining the ideal temperature, turning down the noise, or turning on some calming music. Another option is to use essential oils with calming fragrances for aromatherapy. The room's lighting should also be taken into consideration. Now, how precisely does light impact your ability to unwind?

How Lights Impact Your Massage Chair Sessions


Take a cue from licensed therapists to maximize your relaxation every time you use your massage chair. For example, during a real spa treatment with a therapist, the illumination in the room counts. Normally, it would be dark, and there are a few reasons why. Consequently, even when it's not required, turning out the lights should give you the impression that you're unwinding in a massage parlor.

Less light means more relaxation

To reduce distractions, massage spas regulate the lighting, temperature, noise level, and smell. You cannot relax your body and mind in an environment that is excessively hot, chilly, noisy, or bright. In the same manner, you should take care not to get sidetracked during a massage chair session at home. You can focus on unwinding when the lights are out because your attention won't stray to what's around you.

Darker rooms invite tranquility

Most people find that if they don't turn off the lights, they can't sleep soundly. This is because darkness is seen by their brain as a cue to slumber. For the same reason, when you're in a dark massage chair, your body is more likely to unwind. But not everyone experiences this in the same way since darkness has a psychologically calming impact. To be honest, some people find darkness to be unsettling, so ultimately it comes down to personal preference.

Diverse lighting can be distracting

The technique of employing various light colors to influence a person's brain is known as chromotherapy. It can boost energy, facilitate healing, and improve relaxation. Blue light has calming effects on the psyche and can even aid sleep. Yellow, meanwhile, elevates mood and gives you more vitality. There are many impacts associated with other hues. But just like with darkness, everyone is affected by light differently. 

The idea is that, in addition to making the space darker, you can enhance your experience by altering the hue of the light. You can use a bulb that emits various hues of light for that. On the other hand, you can use the chromotherapy option if your massage chair has one to create the mood. While some versions with this feature can only produce blue light, others have more color possibilities.

2 Massage Chairs with Chromotherapy


Chromotherapy is becoming a popular feature in massage chairs because of the influence of Eastern culture on the industry. This inclusion adds variety to your relaxation experience while giving your space a futuristic vibe. With proper lighting, the benefits of chromotherapy are magnified with each massage chair session. Here are two remarkable massage chairs with chromotherapy that’ll paint your room with colors of healing and relaxation.

Ogawa Master Drive AI 2.0 Massage Chair

Original Price: $12,999.99

Discounted Price: $8,999.99


Using premium materials and exquisite design, Ogawa's design team was proud to produce the Ogawa Master Drive AI 2.0 Massage Chair. With the help of calming music and chromotherapy, this chair's calming LED mood-enhancing lights can help you unwind and reenergize your body and mind. The lower back and all surrounding muscles and joints are relaxed by the lumbar heat therapy feature of the Ogawa Master Drive AI 2.0.

The Ogawa Master Drive AI 2.0 Massage Chair's intelligent Vario Motion 4D Massage Rollers can vary and modify massage movements, pressure, and speed to mimic the sensation of actual human hands. Its "L" shaped track mimics the natural curve of the spine while targeting key muscle groups. Innovative M.6 Gen Microprocessors are used in the Ogawa Master Drive AI 2.0 Massage Chair to provide faster speed, higher accuracy, and a more complete experience. 

Infinity Dynasty 4D Massage Chair

Original Price: $10,999.99

Discounted Price: $9,499.99


The Infinity Dynasty 4D Massage Chair has a pleasing look that fits the pleasant feeling you can get from using it. You can personalize your sessions using this chair's user-friendly remote and excellent build quality. The Dynasty is ideal for winding down after a long day at work or school, treating chronic pain, preparing for a strenuous workout, and recovering from an injury.

The Infinity Dynasty 4D Massage Chair, one of the most well-liked 4D massage chairs on the market, has never let users down with its abundance of functions. One of these features is the cutting-edge 4D back massage mechanism technology, which can compete well with goods costing twice as much as their price. The result is a deep-tissue massage that is as smooth as butter and painless in 4D, like a human hand.

Each side of the Infinity Dynasty 4D Massage Chair has chromotherapy lights. The color spectrum is used in chromotherapy to assist in balancing an individual's mental, spiritual, emotional, and physical energies. The back of the Infinity Dynasty 4D chair has heating modules that provide soothing, muscle-loosening warmth. It also features lumbar heat and an air ionizer. Breathing more deeply is another benefit of the air ionizer feature that will help you unwind and revitalize your body, mind, and soul.

In Summary


Although chromotherapy has been used for millennia, few people are aware of its potential benefits for our health and well-being. This function will improve both your general experience and your taste for lighting. Get a massager from Massage Chair Heaven to experience this wonderful function yourself.

To place your order, visit Massage Chair Heaven or contact us at 1-833-627-7245 or via live chat.

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